Following are some web sites or links that I have found to be useful and praise worthy.
OpenSource/OpenStax Free Books:
Doga’s Blog:
Purrier Series (Meow) and Making Images Speak – Bilim Ne Güzel Lan (
Follow up to Fourier Series – Bilim Ne Güzel Lan (
SmarterEveryDay’s Video:
Teaching Complex Maths, Physics, CS with Simple Animations:
Grant Sanderson of 3blue1brown
But what is a Fourier series? From heat flow to drawing with circles | DE4 (
Fourier Transform (
Online Java Regular Expression Tool
Online Python Regular Expression Tool
Online JSON Parser, Json Editor, Beautify
Online English Sentence Parser
Java Parser, ANTLR, Using Antlr
Battery, Battery2, Battery3, PP
C Socket Example, C socket 2, UDP-1, UDP-2, UDP-Broadcast-1, UDP_BC-2, UDP-BC-3, Cpp_Stream_Socket, Beej-guide
C Multi-Threading Linux: pthread1-Randu, pthread2-Geeks, pthread3-Livermore
C++11 STL: Wikipedia, Tut-Part1, Tut-Part2, Containers, Intro
JSON Streaming C++ : Nlohmann_JSON, Link2, rapidjson, rapidjson2
C++ Stream Socket Encryption: Quest1, Quest2, Boost_ASIO_Main, ASIO_1-44_Examples, ASIO_1-44_SSL_Docs
C++ Boost Library: Boost, Get Started, Background, ASIO_1-63_Examples, 3rd Party Tutorial
OpsenSSL: Main, Programmatical_Seld_Signed
UML Activity Diagram 1, List all diagrams
Extend Eclipse 1, Extend Eclipse 2
NetBeans: Plugin1, Plugin2, Plugin3, Plugin4, Plugin5, Tutorial, Trail, Java Editor
Integral Calculus: Integral1
Electronics: Spice, PartSim, Falstad, EasyEDA
Vector Drawing Web Frameworks: GO-JS, Paper, Joint-JS-Rappid
No-SQL Databases: Compare1, Compare2 (Editable)
Django: FormSets
HTML URL Attributes: StackExchange, W3C List-html4, W3C List-html5
C# Asp.Net FindControlRecursive Custom
ASP.Net MVC: Web-Scheduler
Latex Editor – Learn , OnWindows – Urdu Documents – Question1, Question2, OnUbuntu, Ubuntu2
Apache Lucene: How To (v2.4), Getting Started (V7)
Windows 10 – Startup Apps for User
Spring Boot and OAuth, Link1, Link-2
Right-to-left languages styling guide, Link-rtlstyling