
Following are some web sites or links that I have found to be useful and praise worthy.

OpenSource/OpenStax Free Books:

Doga’s Blog:

Purrier Series (Meow) and Making Images Speak – Bilim Ne Güzel Lan (

Follow up to Fourier Series – Bilim Ne Güzel Lan (

SmarterEveryDay’s Video:

Teaching Complex Maths, Physics, CS with Simple Animations:

Grant Sanderson of 3blue1brown

(1741) 3Blue1Brown – YouTube

But what is a Fourier series? From heat flow to drawing with circles | DE4 (

Fourier Transform (

ZFS Calculator 01

ZFS calculator 02

Compile and Run C# online

Online Java Regular Expression Tool

Online Python Regular Expression Tool

Online JSON Parser, Json Editor, Beautify

Online Automata Simulator

Online English Sentence Parser

Java Parser, ANTLR, Using Antlr

HTML Parser, CSS Parser

Git Sensible Usage Pattern

MIT Open CourseWare


Arduino Piezo Tune

Battery, Battery2, Battery3, PP

C Socket Example, C socket 2, UDP-1, UDP-2, UDP-Broadcast-1, UDP_BC-2, UDP-BC-3Cpp_Stream_Socket, Beej-guide

C Multi-Threading Linux: pthread1-Randu, pthread2-Geeks, pthread3-Livermore

C++11 STL: Wikipedia, Tut-Part1, Tut-Part2Containers, Intro

JSON Streaming C++ : Nlohmann_JSON, Link2, rapidjson, rapidjson2

C++ Stream Socket Encryption: Quest1, Quest2, Boost_ASIO_Main, ASIO_1-44_Examples, ASIO_1-44_SSL_Docs

C++ Boost Library: Boost, Get Started, Background, ASIO_1-63_Examples, 3rd Party Tutorial

OpsenSSL: Main, Programmatical_Seld_Signed

GTK+ on Raspbian

GPL Licenses Quick Guide

Affordable Table CNC

UML Activity Diagram 1, List all diagrams

UML Activity Diagram 2

Machine Learning Course

Extend Eclipse 1, Extend Eclipse 2

NetBeans: Plugin1, Plugin2, Plugin3, Plugin4, Plugin5, Tutorial, Trail, Java Editor

Build Linux: Build1, LSF

Integral Calculus: Integral1

Electronics: Spice, PartSimFalstad, EasyEDA

Vector Drawing Web Frameworks: GO-JS, Paper, Joint-JS-Rappid

No-SQL Databases: Compare1, Compare2 (Editable)

Django: FormSets

HTML URL Attributes: StackExchange, W3C List-html4, W3C List-html5

C# Asp.Net FindControlRecursive Custom

ASP.Net MVC: Web-Scheduler

Pot Light Bulb

HTML Rainbow Text

Latex Editor – Learn , OnWindows – Urdu Documents – Question1, Question2, OnUbuntu, Ubuntu2

Apache Lucene: How To (v2.4), Getting Started (V7)

Windows 10 – Startup Apps for User

Spring Boot and OAuth, Link1, Link-2

Right-to-left languages styling guide, Link-rtlstyling