Zoneminder Screen Saver
Zoneminder is a free and open source (wikipedia, web) Web Application written in PHP for monitoring all of your security camera feeds in one place. I am using a custom install on my home based web server. It gives me oppurtunity to monitor live home security footage from Internet.
I was thinking if I could make a custom screen saver like application, that shows the main Zoneminder Montage page for a long time, then turns off the monitor for let us say 1 minute. Then turns back on and shows the Zoneminder Montage page for another long session, repeatedly. Unfortunately I could not find such a screen saver that turns off the monitor and turns it back on again by itself (based on a timer).
So finally I was able to write this code. I could not have connected securley to Zoneminder without the article linked here. I have made my code Open-Source (MIT License). Please feel free to use it as you like, as per the license.
Screen Capture Video.. on youtube.
- The code for zoneminder URL-monitor-saver,
- Article – Connect to Zoneminder using Auth-Hash,
- Wikipedia Zoneminder,
- Zoneminder Download page,